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Subject [EXPO 2012 on-site] GNB Lighting to display Home interior LED collection
Name Administrator Date 2012.06.27 Click 733

GNB Lighting (CEO Yong-seok Kang, www.gnblighting.co.kr) participated in Intl LED EXPO & OLED EXPo 2012 held at KINTEX, KOREA on June 26-29 and showcased total solution for LED illumination.

T-5 fluorescent light directs pleasant and convenient place for house, office and others.

Varied lights including indirect fluorescent light, acrylic cover light, mushroom light of high illumination intensity, garden light, kitchen lamp and others are releasing and all LED products have superior quality and special design.

Meanwhile, The 10th Intl LED EXPO & OLED EXPO (www.ledexpo.com) is the Koreas largest LED Expo which matches buyers and related industry people.

250 companies from 13 countries participated in this exhibition as 700 booths-scale to exhibit Chip LED, LED Lamp, LED Signal Displays, Green Lighting, LED Process Technology and others. And there will be varied events such as LED/OLED exporting consulting with big buyers, Intl LED and Green Lighting Seminar 2012, Government Awards Ceremony for New technology development superior companies and others.

Intl LED EXPO & OLED EXPO 2012 Special Page



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