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Subject Samsung-Display flexible-high res AMOLED and OLED-Tv capacity forecast
Name Administrator Date 2012.12.17 Click 1380

In a analyse about the ordered OLED equipment we can you inform you about Samsungs new AMOLED and OLED-Tv capacity plans.
At 1 July 2012 Samsung Display was founded and they changed also some plans for the AMOLED capacity future. The report says that they expect now to increase capacity at the A2 fab (A2E) rather than the A3 facility (OLED-Tv). That means that the 8G line for Television is likely to be delayed as the A2E space was originally designed for 8G lines.

The new 5.5G lines adopt flexible and LITI technologies from the A2P3 line. Liti make high resolution AMOLED possible and flexible Amoled are also possible with that line. The thin-film process is close to resolving technological difficulties that have prevented flexible displays and delayed 5.5G OLED capex.
This lines could be ready for mass produce in 2Q 2013 and 4Q 2013.

The A3 facility should be equiped with 5.5G and 8G lines for OLED-Tv. The 8G line for large OLED panels for television devices should be mass producing ready in 1 Quarter 2014.
Here are the Hard facts:

  • OLED 5.5g line expansion likely for A2 not A3
  • New 5.5G lines to adopt flexible and LITI technologies (high resolution) from A2P3 line
  • A new 5.5G and 8G OLED-Tv line to built at A3 facility


LG-Display OLED-Tv 55EM9700-UA at FCC
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