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Subject Joongwoo M-Tech CO., LTD.
Name Joongwoo M-Tech CO., Date 2017.02.20 Click 10576

◈ Company


Joongwoo M-Tech Co., Ltd was established as optical technology professional in 2004.

We've been producing and selling Display material, TSP window material, mobile Phone parts, Luminance measuring equipment, and we've started OLED lighting business since 2015 as a toll manufacturer on behalf of LGD (former LG Chem). Now, LGD's OLED Lighting business is transferred to us and we're doing development, mass production and sales of OLED lighting under our own brand. 

On the basis of development and production experience of OLED Lighting, we're making every efforts to be a pioneer of OLED Lighting which is unexplored area. 

◈ Product

It's "area light source" that offers uniform, smooth and visually comfortable light by use of LG Display's OLED Light panel. It's low glare and shadow thereby reducing eye fatigue. It produces very low heat and completely free of UV light. It's eco-friendly light.


OLED SKY   This model is installed in KwanJeong Library of Seoul National University,

                                     Head fixed type. Uniquely slim OLED Panel. 

                                     Power Consumption(W) Max 11. 250lm~500lm. 

                                     Power On/Off plug and 7steps slide Dimming mode.


 OLED Frame   Portable as it's battery integrated and rechargeable luminaire with OLED light panel. 

                                Available to adjust angle thereby free of direction of light

                                Power Consumption(W) Max 5.5  50lm~300lm. 3 steps Dimming mode


               Classic    Uniquely thin panel. Adjustable the angle of circular inner luminescent panel. 
                                Adjustable the length of wire. 
                                DC/DC, AC Rail, AC directly attached type
                                Power Consumption(W) 3W. 150lm. 


 MODI   320x320 Large area OLED Light panel.
             Offering premium light quality with a sleek and modern design.
           As OLED emits very low heat, it can be hung just above the working area without any discomfort.
             It generates a healthier working environment.
             Power Consumption(W) 24W. 1,330lm.(Black, White model)


LINE    Ultra slim OLED Light module.

           The simple aluminum housing connects multiple OLED Light panels into one module,

           generating a unique and sleek design. 

           It can be directly attached to the ceiling, suspended from the ceiling or used as shelf lighting with

           slightly different mounting systems. 

           Panel size 320x320, 320x110 3ea, 400x50 3ea


Transparent    OLED Light panel is attached to glass.

 Connection    The wireless electric connection to OLED panel.

                         Not only does the high CRI of the OLEDs bring out the true colors of the displayed

     products, but also the low-heat preserves the products in their best condition.

                         It suits high-end retail store.

    Attached at the bottom of the glass and it emits light to upper and lower side.

◈ Contact

▶ Address : 273gil-10. Haebongro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, 15420, KOREA

▶ Tel : 82-31-494-0561  /  Fax : 82-32-495-0562

▶ Homepage : www.jwm-tech.co.kr

Shinsung Solar Engergy Co., Ltd.