The financial chief officer Jeong Ho-young says in an interview that LG Display will increase output of premium displays such as film-patterned retarder ones for 3D applications and also that LG-Display want to release cost-effective OLED-Televison devices earlier than expected,’ said the firm’s chief financial officer Jeong Ho-young. At the CES-2012 LG showcased a 55 inch OLED panel (55EM9600)
LG Display is still reviewing whether should we convert existing LCD lines to OLED or make a fresh investment. But we will decide soon because OLED is the next big thing that we cannot lose out on,’ said Jeong.
LG Display use for its OLED-Television devices White OLED. This means red, green, and blue OLED materials are sandwiched together and these creat a white light. The white light passes through a color filter to create red, green, and blue sub-pixels. Samsung uses RGB OLED with separate red, green, and blue sub-pixels at the KN55ES9600. White OLED has more benefits than RGB-based OLED. We are in the long-life testing phase and we believe our White OLED will perform well,’’ said the head of LG Display’s public relations office Sohn Young-june.