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Subject Samsung and UniPixel Enter Into TMOS Joint Development Agreement
Name Administrator Date 2009.03.06 Click 2624

 UniPixel, the developer of color display technology called Time Multiplexed Optical Shutter (TMOS) and the Opcuity family of performance-engineered films, announced the signing of a joint development agreement with Samsung Electronics of Korea. Under the agreement, the two companies will collaborate on advancing development efforts around UniPixels TMOS display technology. TMOS is targeted to leverage a subset of the current LCD manufacturing process, offering the potential of lowering bill-of-materials manufacturing costs by as much as 60% in some cases, while improving performance characteristics including lowering power consumption and increasing brightness over existing LCD and OLED flat-panel display technologies.


 According to Reed Killion, president and CEO of UniPixel, "Samsung is one of the premier technology development and manufacturing companies in the world. The agreement with Samsung will help establish a development platform for TMOS that leverages Samsungs technology development expertise, process development expertise, and manufacturing and assembly expertise. (Source: Society for Information Display)"


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