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Subject [EXPO 2012 on-site] Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute & Kwang Myung Lighting OLED to exhibit a crystal illumination
Name Administrator Date 2012.06.29 Click 720

Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute & Kwang Myung Lighting (President Steven Kim, www.cpri.re.kr / www.kmlight.co.kr) participated in Intl LED EXPO & OLED EXPo 2012 held at KINTEX, KOREA on June 26-29 and showcased OLED Crystal illumination.

Kwang Myung Lighting is a firm that is occupied in Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute. Kwang Myung Lighting designed OLED Panel / module chandelier under cooperation with Cheorwon Plasma Research Institute.

An OLED chandelier is a premium lighting, which is creating the luxurious mood in harmony with its surroundings. This chandelier has the lightweight and thin OLED lighting modules having the echo-OLED Lighting panels emitting a delicate light for connecting freely.

Meanwhile, The 10th Intl LED EXPO & OLED EXPO (www.ledexpo.comwww.oledexpo.com) is the Koreas largest LED Expo which matches buyers and related industry people.

250 companies from 13 countries participated in this exhibition as 700 booths-scale to exhibit Chip LED, LED Lamp, LED Signal Displays, Green Lighting,  LED Process Technology and others. And there will be varied events such as LED/OLED exporting consulting with big buyers,  Intl LED and Green Lighting Seminar 2012, Government Awards Ceremony for New technology development superior companies and others

Go to Intl LED EXPO & OLED EXPO 2012 Special Page

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