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Subject More details about BASF transparent solar OLED technology
Name Administrator Date 2012.02.27 Click 1430

BASFs develope transparent solar OLEDs for the smart forvision car which are fully transparent, allowing light to enter freely from outside by day. In the dark, the transparency gives an effect of luminous glass.
OLEDs create a pleasant, diffuse light that can be adjusted to suit the lighting situation. It casts no hard shadows and in that way increases passenger comfort.
OLEDs are more efficient than conventional lightbulbs and energy saving lamps. They radiate less heat and in that way add to energy efficiency in the smart forvision. Disposal is environmentally safe.

How are the organic solar cells different from the Si-based solar cells?
Organic solar cells are based on organic-chemical dyes as light absorbers and charge carrier materials and not only exhibit transparent, coloured and flexible product characteristics, but also considerably lower efficiencies and service lives. Organic photovoltaics is in the research phase; Si-based photovoltaics has a high market maturity with over 40 years on the market.

What colours can be realised?
Daimler and BASF consider organic photovoltaics to be a step in the direction of the regenerative, climate-neutral, safe and affordable energy of the future. As an additional energy source solar cells can contribute to the car

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