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Subject Samsung plans record investment in OLED
Name Administrator Date 2012.01.25 Click 1418

There are a new report from Reuters that Samsung plans to invest 6.1 billion Dollars (7 trillion Won) in to the OLED technology in 2012. SMD plans to ramp up the A3 production line for the second or third quarter 2012. This line is featured to produce flexible OLED Displays (A3 Flex-1 5.5G) The second flexible production line (A3 Flex-2 5.5G) is planed for second quarter 2013. In 2011 Samsung invested 4.3 billion dollar in to the OLED technology.

Reuters reports that Samsung Group plans to increase 2012 investment to a record $41.4 billion. The investment will go into hiring new employees (the plan is to add 26,000 in 2012), building new factories, acquisitions and R&D.

Samsung is expected to invest around 7 trillion Won ($6.1 billion) in OLED displays in 2012. This number is actually the same one reported by Reuters back in November

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