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Subject Samsung Display Adopts RGB Evaporation for AM OLED Panels
Name Administrator Date 2013.05.16 Click 1486

Samsung Display has opted for RGB (Red, Green, Blue) evaporation technology in manufacturing AM OLED panels for next-generation TVs. As Samsung Display, the world’s largest AM OLED panel manufacturer, has decided on its evaporation technology, new investment aimed at the TV market is likely to materialize within this year. Samsung Display’s RGB evaporation technology is to be pitted against LG Display’s white OLED evaporation technology.

According to industry insiders, Samsung Display has recently raised the production yield of RGB technology-based AM OLED panels up to 60%. Samsung Display’s new investment in its eighth-generation (2200×2500㎜) production line will also adopt RGB evaporation technology.

Samsung Electronics is scheduled to launch an early version of the Samsung AM OLED TV on July 1. Accordingly, Samsung Display is expected to embark on investing in the eighth-generation AM OLED production line before or after July 1.

Early this year, Samsung Display had a hard time enhancing the production yield of AM OLED panels based on RGB evaporation technology. For the same reason, LG Display decided to turn its eyes to the white OLED evaporation method. However, as the production has recently picked up, Samsung Display has become confidant about its RGB evaporation technology.


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