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Subject Museum exhibition features OLED and LED lighting
Name Administrator Date 2013.12.09 Click 1291

A unique exhibition underway in Germany right now features lighting technologies based on LED and OLED materials. In addition to demonstrations of state-of-the-art lighting design, including walk-in installations, the “Lightopia” exhibition includes a mock laboratory designed to explain the science behind LEDs and OLEDs. Lightopia is taking place at the Vitra Design Museumin Weil am Rhein (Germany) through March 16, 2014.  The exhibition is sponsored in part by Merck, which developed many of the materials used in the exhibits.

"Innovative lighting offers new application possibilities, which require close collaboration between designers and manufacturers," says Jolanthe Kugler, curator of the exhibition, commenting on the interdisciplinary nature of the exhibition concept. "The exhibition features a laboratory that demonstrates the production of LEDs and OLEDs and is intended to broaden people`s understanding of the technologies." After its run at the Vitra Design Museum, Lightopia will go on tour to other museums throughout the world.

Source- Society for Information Display http://www.sid.org/

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