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Subject Korea launches a $21 million OLED lighting drive
Name Administrator Date 2014.08.19 Click 1265

Korea launches a $21 million OLED lighting drive

Korea`s Ministry Of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) is launching a new OLED lighting industry support fund, with plans to invest 22 billion Won ($21.5 million) over the next five years. The project will kick start at the end of September 2014.

The new initiative is called “OLED Lighting Industry Cluster Construction Business”, and the MOTIE aims to help local companies kick start manufacturing processes, prototype production, standard and measurement systems, help with a comprehensive information network and marketing support, and more.

There are many companies in Korea involved with OLED lighting. Most notably is LG Chem, one of the leaders in OLED lighting (another, smaller, OLED lighting producer in Korea is NeoView Kolon). There are several OLED manufacturing equipment makers and material developers.

Samsung announced they are entering the OLED lighting market in 2009, but never did produce anything beyond some early prototypes. Maybe Samsung will now decide to re-enter this market with government support. It seems that the OLED lighting is gathering a lot of support and investments lately. 

Taiwan also formed an OLED lighting initialtive last month, called the OLED Lighting Commercialization Alliance (OLCA), that aims to make Taiwan an important OLED lighting player.

Source: OLEDNet  http://www.oled-info.com

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