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Subject LED & OLED Expo Grand Opens at KINTEX
Name Administrator Date 2016.06.24 Click 796

LED & OLED Expo 2016, the largest LED trade show in Korea, made its grand opening today at KINTEX Hall 3 and 4.

The show displays lights, equipment, parts, applications, and materials that are related to LED/OLED, and will be held concurrently with "Laser Expo 2016" and "The 6th LED Industry Forum."

Many well-known domestic companies in LED industry including Techen, EP Korea, and Next Eye and global companies like Poseon of the U.S., BJB of Germany, Everfine of China, Cross-Century Lighting of Taiwan, and many more exhibited this show. Including the exhibitions from public institutions, more than 300 are exhibiting.

In its 14th year, this year`s show is being held in 600 booths, taken by 270 companies from 15 countries. Events include export consultations, design photo exhibition, a special Southeast Asia export seminar, and The 6th LED Industry Forum, placing itself as the major LED show in Korea.

This year, a special section for government-funded R&D projects has been prepared. The projects are LED convergence industry hub implementation, LED system light technology development, OLED projects, human resource training, laser projects, and R&D projects.

KINTEX 1, Room 212 and 2016, there will be The 6th LED Industry Forum for three days, from Jun. 22 to 24. The topics that will be dealt in the forum are LED-ICT convergence and new market creation, system light 2.0 visible light communication, micro LED, new challenges and design marketing in the global market, and strengthening the domestic competencies and global entry through laser-based implementation.

Also, "The 9th LED & OLED Industrial New Technology Company Award," prepared by MOTIE, the City of Bucheon, and KOTRA has been prepared to recognize and encourage the companies that possess outstanding technology in LED/OLED area. The awards include the Presidential Award, Prime Minister Award, the Minister of MOTIE Award, Bucheon City Mayor Award, and KOTRA Award, and the prizewinning products have been displayed at the show to increase visibility.

The LED & OLED Expo secretariat has prepared 1:1 export consultation through KOTRA. The exhibitors may have 1:1 consultation with foreign buyers with translation assistance. About 100 foreign buyers have been invited to the show to see the outstanding products of Korea, and it will be a great opportunity for the Korean companies to meet foreign business partners.

 Reported by Eunjung Yu and Hui-rae Jang

Global News Network `AVING` 
by eunjung yu (www.aving.net

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