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Subject [LED &OLED EXPO 2017 Preview] UNIQON Will Show the Optimal 'IoT LED Light Platform' for LED Manufactures
Name Administrator Date 2017.06.13 Click 1059

UNIQON(Rep. MINYOUNG KIM) will introduce the optimal `IoT LED lighting platform` for LED manufactures at `International LED&OLED EXPO 2017` which will be held at `KINTEX` from 27th to 29th of June.

The UNIQON `IoT lighting platform` may be applied to LED luminaires that have already been manufactured and distributed, allowing them to, be: turned on/off, dimmed and vary the coulor of the light from anywhere in the world 24/7 using only a smart phone. In others, it is possible to integrate other UNIQON products as well as implement their desired functions. For LED manufacturers:, UNIQON`s IoT lighting platform can be applied to existing LED lighting products without additional coding, servers, or excessive development costs.

The `Hub (Camera)` serves both as a hub to provide IoT functions, such as remote control, as well as a camera that allows one to see whether lights are turned on/off in real time.

The `Bluetooth Mesh-Network Module` is a communication module that enables Bluetooth communication between LED luminaires, theoretically allowing up to 65,000 wireless connections to be used in a large building without the need for construction of a communication line. UNIQON already has: the KC, FCC, and TELEC certification;. partnerships with LED lighting companies in Korea and Japan, and also hope to cooperate with other manufacturers in the future.

UNIQON`s priority is customer satisfaction. UNIQON is an expert in IoT LED lighting technology with operational features such as wireless communication modules and the development of IoT hubs.

Meanwhile, International LED & OLED EXPO 2017 is the biggest LED and OLED trade exhibition that 350 domestic companies attend.

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