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Subject [LED & OLED EXPO 2017] Opening of 'The 4th Industrial Revolution and the Future of LED'
Name Administrator Date 2017.07.06 Click 928

LED Industry Forum (CEO LEE Sang-HEE), has hosted `LED Industry Forum` at `The 15th International LED & OLED EXPO 2017` which is being held from June 27th(Tue) to 29th(Thu) at hall 3 and 4 of exhibition hall 1, Ilsan KINTEX.

(Photo: Senior Researcher Lee Jung-No of Korea Electronics Technology Institute is explaining about Technology Development Trends and Issues regarding LED Display)

This day, at the forum held with the theme of `The 4th Industrial Forum and the Future of LED`, organizations, companies and academic specialists presented relevant technology trends and response directions to the future LED lighting industry for 3 fields, such as 『LED Lighting Certification and Market Trend』, 『LED Improvement of Industrial Competitiveness according to the 4thIndustrial Revolution』 and 『The 4th Industrial Revolution LED ICBM Artificial Intelligence Lighting』.

At the greetings, Chairman Lee Sang-Hee said, "With the theme of the 4th Industrial Revolution and the Future of LED, the LED Industry Forum 2017 will be a forum of meeting and exchange to strengthen the public understanding and discuss issues of LED industry in general with experts representing this era" and added, "Especially, this event will become a forum to discuss about the future of LED industry according to upcoming 4th industrial revolution era."

Following to that, "It will be a place to share the up-to-date technology trend by preparing various programs such as our governments LED industrial policy, IOT and convergence as well as future lighting, micro LED policy that will lead forthcoming, and market international certification according to the 4th industrial revolution" and added, "I hope this event to become a forum of communication and information sharing for LED industry in general and to expend the base of LED industry which is the international growth power".

(Photo: On this day, experts from various fields divided into 3 sessions and shared various information)

Meanwhile, International LED & OLED EXPO 2017 is the largest LED & OLED specialized trade show in Korea with over 350 domestic and foreign companies participating. Also, during the exhibition, `Laser EXPO 2017` and `LED Industry forum 2017`, which invited the leading authorities of LED industries to explore the current status and development direction of LED industry, were held simultaneously.

→ Go to `Int`l LED &OLED Expo 2017` News Special Page

Global News Network `AVING` 
by Kim, Ki Hong (www.aving.net

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