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Subject Fraunhofer, Holst and VTT developed a new flexible OLED lighting bracelet produced at the EU PI-SCALE line
Name Administrator Date 2018.04.09 Click 1022

The Fraunhofer FEP, together with VTT and the Holst Center developed a new wearable OLED lighting bracelet, one of the first one of the first flexible organic electronic product to be produced at the European PI-SCALE pilot production line.

Wearable OLED bracelet (Fraunhofer / FTT / Holst)

The yellow and red OLED deposition in this prototype was performed at the Fraunhofer FPP (which can handle both sheet-to-sheet and roll-to-roll processes), while the barrier web was produced at the Holst Centre. VTT integrated the OLEDs into the bracelet. Such a bracelet, with its low power consumption, could be used as a security device, as a fashion jewelry, and more.

Fraunhofer also said that the OLED emit light in a special wavelength, and so this could be used for photo therapy.

Posted: Apr 08, 2018 by Ron Mertens

<Source : OLED Info>

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