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Subject [LED & OLED EXPO 2018] OLED, displayed a Standing Lamp made of OLED standing in the center of the Next Generation Lighting Industry
Name Administrator Date 2018.07.06 Click 648

OLED (CEO, Oh Seungcheol) participated in 'International LED & OLED EXPO 2018' held from Jun. 26th(Tue) to 28th(Thur) at 3th and 4th hall of KINTEX in Iisan, and showed a standing lamp made of OLED standing in the center of the next generation lighting industry.

(Photo description: O'CLESS-J)

OLED is a design development company of Haechan Co., Ltd. It is a company that develops and produces the latest OLED lighting fixtures, and is leading the next generation lighting industry. An OLED is an LED of special type using an organic compound at a luminous layer, and it is possible to produce it smaller than an LED and also use it as low as 15V or less.

The OLED lamp using an OLED features that there is little blue light which causes eye sight damaged and eye tired. It has an advantage that it is less dazzling and eyes are comfortable even when looking at lighting for a long time.

The products of OLED are 'O'CLESS-J with a flexible body, which is a zabara type that can use the place above a desk as much as possible with a clip type based, and 'O'CLESS-G which is a desk lamp that can freely move its lighting angle.

(Photo description: O'CLESS-G)

Oh Seungcheol, the CEO of OLED said, "we plan to export our products to Europe, the USA and Japan as well as Korean large companies," and "we will enlarge our production range by developing indoor construction lighting as well as standing lamps in the future."

The 'International LED &OLED EXPO 2018' hosted by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, the Korea association for photonics industry development(KAPID), the LED Industry Forum(LEDIF), the Korea Trade Investment Promotion Agency(KOTRA) and organized by EXPOnU Co., Ltd., is the biggest LED, OLED-specialized trade exhibition that over 350 Korean and overseas companies participates. The international LED EPO is a leading exhibition in this field where people can meet practicians who will help to foresee the future of the LED industry and will lead the industry. Exhibition areas are as follows. △Instrument and control device △Science △Technology △Optics △Precision instrument △Others △Energy △Electricity △Electron △Lighting

Global News Network 'AVING'
by No Woong Rae ( )

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